Are we there yet?

Do things in your life appear to be the same as it was last year? Have you been relentlessly working on your goals for 2017? Are you still stretching goods in aim to maintain and manage your life? Or, have you gotten to the point that you are really sick and tired of being sick and tired and you just want to be “there!”

If you have answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, please be advised that you have embarked upon another journey to a place called “There.” Remember, the greater your life purpose the deeper the eyes of the Lord looks into your soul to guide you to the truth of who you are, which is “There.”

Think about it! When you are taking a long road trip the main question the passengers asks the driver, “Are we there yet?” The driver doesn’t become impatient like the passengers, because he understands the route. Well, Our Creator understands the route that each one of us must take and the stops one must take along the way. Each stop here and there is necessary in order to get “There.”

Many men and women get stuck and remain in their former state of mind, because they are not aware of the shift that has occurred. Your “there” is not where you use to be. The matters and circumstances in your life have caused your soul (mind and emotions) to transition into a different place within this season of time.  A dunamis woman and real awesome man must go through many mini trials, tribulations, temptations; a journey filled with mysteries in order to arrive at this place that entails your hidden treasures. You will get “there” however you must be refined in areas that cause you to grow leaps and bounds. If you have become weary along the way, don’t give up, just get out the driver seat and embrace the ride as the passenger.

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