Dee Collins
DaVetta (Dee) Mallory is the Visionary Leader & Founder of Dunamis Woman Enterprise, LLC a faith based community that guides women of faith on how to heal within their soul, so they may transform their life & relationships while igniting their power through prayer & spiritual warfare.
Over the past 20+ years she has served as a Kingdom Teaching Pastor and Transformational Life & Relationship Coach to a myriad of women and men across the globe in order to produce miraculous life changing results. Known for her slogan, “Dee Speaks…You Think!” she challenges the hearts & minds of God’s people while bringing her never before seen blend of boldness, strength, and power to any atmosphere!
Personally, Dee has conquered and overcome many obstacles of divorce, rejection, betrayal, and abuse (mentally, emotionally, and verbally) that many women encounter in relationships. These devastating times caused her to suffer in various aspects of her life as a woman; but her unyielding heartfelt love for Christ has contributed to her triumphs in spite of the severity of her major trials. Through her high level of emotional pains and struggles, the Holy Spirit spoke to her in a dream about “dunamis” in a time where dunamis was not known in the Body of Christ, yet she began to study His Word to teach & since then she has been fortified in her ability to lead a movement of dunamis across the globe as she show others how to use their pain for His miraculous power through the journey emotional healing.
It is through her impactful life & mindset coaching, leadership principles, biblical teachings, and spiritual strategies that causes women and men to heal emotionally, restore their marriages & family, and build a new life in Christ.
Today, Dee is a self-published Author of her books, How to Pray with Power on Purpose, Great Man Where Art Thou? The Silent Cry of a Woman’s Heart, Conquering the Battlegrounds of the Mind, and Sexual Healing for the Woman in You. When she is not coaching or teaching within her Dunamis Coaching Institute or Dunamis Woman University, she travels across the United States bringing healing to the souls of women through her Healing for My Soul™ Tour.
As a native from the South Side of Chicago, DaVetta never apologizes for her dogmatic approach to demolish boxes of religion and the works of the enemy! She walks unapologetically as an agent of change so that she can see our men, marriages, communities, and families set FREE, so that future generations can inherit a legacy.
Dee fulfills her life dreams by building a legacy for her two daughters, Allison and Ariel and granddaughters, Genesis & Christina who works beside her in business and ministry as they spread the message of God’s dunamis power through Dunamis Woman Enterprise, LLC, Dunamis Woman Media & Publishing, LLC and Dunamis Community Advocate Services (501c3) and BMWK Enterprise, LLC (Black and Married with Kids)
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