Aggravated Soul

Have you ever been aggravated by something or someone? Did you sit back to really think about it? Very seldom does someone aggravate me, but recently it happened and it made me go deep within my soul to understand why.
The term aggravated means: (of an offense) made more serious by attendant circumstances (such as frame of mind). As I meditated on this definition, I realized that my circumstances were not the same as the person who aggravated me, because the mandate God has on my life is designed just for me.

I AM Unique! How can someone understand God’s mindset towards me when I don’t fully understand it myself. We learn as we live. I realized that I was aggravated with only 3 people; me, myself and I. Who can separate me from the love of God? Not even me. I am responsible for the frame of mind entrusted within my soul in order to execute His plans for purpose in life.

As a result of my aggravation, I realized that for a ten year life span, I literally saw women’s lives being transformed as I heard their hearts and as I taught the Word of God in Emotional Healing Clinics. Their hearts were heard and then change occurred. Not only does the heart of His people need to be healed but heard!
What we conceal can’t be revealed, and what’s not revealed can’t be healed. Most educational arenas are designed for people to listen and not to be heard, especially as it relates to matters the heart. That’s why we get aggravated. It’s an offense to the will of God for our lives.

Speaking directly to you; your purpose must be discovered. You become aggravated when you keep running behind someone else’s purpose and not living your own. You can’t prosper by just being seen on Facebook, at work, in church, at home, etc. God wants your heart to be heard and healed so you can live life more abundantly.
As a Spiritual Cardiologist and Coach for the Kingdom of God, I beseech you to connect with me to learn more about your heart, so you can be heard and healed…GUARANTEED. It’s time for miraculous changes to be made in your life by the POWER OF GOD – DUNAMIS!

Davetta “Dee” Collins


1 thought on “Aggravated Soul”

  1. Charnita BrownLewis

    This one line, spoke directly to me. I often wonder “how could you possibly know what mind God has towards me. And I aggravated myself, putting myself in positions again and again. I said ” do you learn” . Well Yes, I do learn – I know why it happens and why again when I learned who I am in God. I’m still learning, it’s different now that I can recognize things.

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